Friday, August 3, 2012

Well that was interesting.

Last night I did well all day, but after dinner got the munchies. Usually when on a diet or new way of eating, it hits me on the 3rd day and I struggle a little. Once past that struggle most of the rest of it is fine, and I don't fall of the wagon until I deliberately say, "Aw heck, this will blow my diet but I want it".
Well I snacked on SF jello last night for dessert, then some almonds. Still hungry so had some water. Still hungry. Finally had some ground beef and a little salsa in there ..I think I ate 32 carbs total, when I was trying to keep my goal for the day at 25, 30 max. So,..I went a bit over.
BUT, got on the scale this morning, and still went down over a pound!
So far, 7 pounds down..and this is only the start of day 3! I resolve today, to do no more than 25 carbs.
I can do this!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I wanna be a loser

Day One: Been thinking about doing this for months on and off. Started thinking about it more so since my brother has been losing like crazy ever since he had his weight loss surgery, and then my BFF started dieting and has taken off several dress sizes. Makes me angry, makes me a tinge jealous, makes me sick. Sick because I am forced to look at myself and say, "Well? Isn't it time you jumped on the bandwagon? You know you need to lose weight too!" Well sure, but I'm not doing it for that reason. I'm doing it for ME. Yes, ME. Purely selfish reasons.

My left knee has been hurting for years, on and off, it comes and goes. I did a can-can dance at work years ago with a co-worker, and got an injury from it then, and ever since once in a while it acts up. Now however, it's been on a more regular basis. Sometimes every day, sometimes only for a few hours in the day, and the worst part, at night when I try to sleep. Trying to sleep when you are in severe pain isn't easy. Ask anyone who's been there.

Anyway getting back to me. Yes.. I am going to do it this time. I figured this blog would help me thrust my thoughts out there to the world (well whomever is reading this), help me vent and get things off my chest or clear my mind anyway, and also, (and maybe most importantly) keep me accountable.

Currently I am unemployed and so I have a LOT of time on my hands while I am waiting for that next great career to call me up for the interview of a lifetime. I also like to type, and keeping a blog keeps the fingers busy, keeps my speed up, helps keep me up to par typing speed wise for when I DO get the next job, doing data entry or whatever. You get the idea, right?

Alright, so my diet of choice? It's low carb.

Atkins mainly, but I have also dabbled with South Beach and Kimkins as well(Also low carb but also low fat). I had success the last time I ate this way, and really, it's almost effortless. The foods you can eat are so yummy and when you break it down, it's a pretty healthy way of eating anyway. I mean most people when they say they want to cut back, eat healthy, they think, lean meats, veggies, fruits, lots of water, RIGHT?

Well today I started my induction phase. This means, I start at 30 carbs per day maximum. I can eat less, but I don't dare eat more than 30 carbs for the first 2 weeks. After that, I will go down to 20 carbs per day and then gradually bring it back up to 30, or 25, or 27..whatever number I find that I am still losing weight at, I will stick to that until I am at my goal weight. This may or may not be strict Atkins, I haven't re-read through their books yet. I may be modifying the guidelines here myself, but like I said, it worked before so I am doing this again. The last time I did this, I lost 50lbs in 3 months doing a weight loss challenge at work. The contest ended with no exact winner. Myself and one other were the closest, but we didn't make the challenge goal. After that, the holidays came and I indulged in the workplace goodies, and I'm sure you know the rest..
the weight all came back on. And on. And...

So now, here I am years later. I will be 48 in September and you know what? It's time. Call it mid life crisis if you want, but really it's not even about my age. I want to look GOOD. I want to FEEL good. I want the aches and pains to GO AWAY. Taking some weight off my limbs should make a heck of a difference!
And comes the hardest part. I am putting out there publicly... my starting weight.

**deep breath**

I am starting today, August 1st 2012, and the weight of......


I know. You're thinking, whoa, big girl. Sad to say this but I have actually been larger. My highest ever was 375lbs so thankfully somewhere in all the stress and hormonal changes and whatnot that I went through with my last job,(oh that is another story completely) I lost some weight. Being home now, and more sendendary is another challenge but with low carb it is not manditory to exercise. Not at first. I can do that a bit later. Or I can do it now, but I choose to hold off til I am past induction at least.

My first goal, is to simply get down to 300lbs. That's 50lbs. That is doable. I don't really put a date on by when, just do it. I think once I get to that number(Yes, yes, I know weight is only a number but that is a BIG number, ya'all!) then I will do another 50lbs, and so on. We'll see how low I can go. I want to be a loser. A BIG loser when it comes to losing weight.

So.. here I am .
Hi, my name is Bridget. Nice to meet you.
Welcome to my little corner of the web. As Bette Davis once said,
"Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride."